Marketing, preparation and transformation of
fresh fish
The Omnifish has as activity the marketing of fresh fish. It receives fresh Wild and Aquaculture fish from various sources, respecting the sustainability of species and a strict quality control.
After selecting the fish, it prepares and/or transforms it so as to always maintain maximum freshness.
It ensures fast processes, whether in preparation, processing, packaging or distribution.
Veterinary Control Registration: J 0142 01P
of the New Omnifish Transformation Unit
Omnifish designed the new facilities in order to respond to the strong growth and continue to invest in a sector of important development for the country.
Following on from our activity since 2009, this investment allows us to keep up with market trends and offer new and better solutions to our customers.
Omnifish is designing new facilities in order to respond to the strong growth and continue to invest in a sector of important development for the country.
Following our activity since 2009, this investment allows us to follow market trends and offer new and better solutions to our customers.
October 2022
January 2023
March 2023
June 2023
The freshest fish, from sea to plate
Own distribution to buying centers, and Horeca distribution, from Monday to Saturday, with pre-agreed time windows.
Omnifish has specialized teams in different areas, from National to International Procurement. Direct buyers with presence in all national auctions. Sales force with customer support, through our Call Center team for Horeca channel. Training of the teams in fish processing.
We have our own quality department to ensure food safety in all stages of the product. We implement a strict compliance with the rules and legal requirements in force, to bring to the consumer a product with the properties of the catch.
We believe that speed in preparing the fish, from the boat to the final consumer, is to offer maximum freshness. We are prepared with local teams and immediate transport, guaranteeing freshness. Effective conditioning and packaging in the movement of the fish.
We guarantee the future of fisheries with strict demands at the origins, always ensuring the legal fishing seasons for each species. We promote and diversify species and we respect the productivity cycle. The diversity of marine ecosystems and their habitats, is a management that belongs to all of us.